Being scared to take a chance

This is something new, let me give you my explaination.

Before, I use to do things, even cook for others and as long as, I did not think it over, I could do it.

But if I did, the uncertainty, anxiety, doubt would flood in, you see I have had brilliant ideas, inventions, abilities and never been able, to take the chance to dive in and know that I could do it.

So, I have sat on the side line and never taken that chance, being afraid of what if, what a waste of opportunity, but I believe, my father knew where I had to be.

What, had to happen, as I use to say, the grand architect has my plans, I just need to go with it and know, that he has got me.

So now, I feel the whole world is my oyster, I just need to adjust to the real me and trust him to lead me in the right direction and I feel a boom coming, just waiting for me.

I love my father so much, no one I have read about or met, has had this experience. And for him putting me in the right place to do so, is awesome.

Everyone who knows me, have said you look different, because the real me, the one the enemy hidden, is finally revealed.

Glory to the Lord on high

How change is a good thing

As you may have read a certain date, the miraculous happened and since then….

I feel like a baby, learning how to do things all over again.

Walk, talk, think, feel, and dealing with just the day to day, it is all new.

So, when it happens, give yourself the time, time to adjust, I don’t know how long it is going to take. But I will not disregard such an experience.

Its funny, what was acceptable before, is no longer and my head is trying to figure it out, it is like a split from a mother at birth, your somehow aware of the event, but the new way to live, has to be learned, with each new day.

Thank you father, now is the season for Bronie, hallelujah

Given knowledge

Years ago, when I worked at a certain place. The guy who sat behind me, he was questioning me about my beliefs, now this would not be a big thing to most people, but when you start to question the love of my father, its on like donkey kong.

I was getting more and more inspired and got up to move to the photocopier, then I looked up as I saw gold coin shaped drops of oil, falling down on me and I felt them.

Closest to what I saw, then..

I just realized was, that it actually was for me, back then, and even before, that wonderful date to remember, it all seemed like, it was for others.

But now I know, now I know it was especially for me, because of the relationship with him and when you truly love someone, you will stand up for them, when the time calls for it. And that day, that was what I did, exactly.

Our father, OUR FATHER, who loves us, who saved a wretch like me, who was lost, he found me. He has been there, ever since that day in the paddock and it was only me, limiting him, by not knowing and refusing to follow a religious system, that was nothing like, what happened to me, that wasted time.

When it happens, so much more than anything else on earth, your world starts to change, it is only when your ready (right time, right season) right maturity, that it happens.

When what happens, the big change, the true surrender, for I was speaking to someone yesterday and said these words, “so many want to control in their lives, because of what may have happened, or out of fear of the unknown, but when you give it up, he gives you the world & more”.

So who is limiting who, I no longer limit him, yesterday, with what I wore, proved that to me and him. I stood up, I stood tall and instead of feeling uncomfortable, I felt at peace and that is worth more to me, than all the money on earth…

Hallelujah and Amen… take that to the bank yeeehaa

Blinded by a want

One word someone said, so I am posting this, if someone reads it, knows that this may be your only chance to finally be freed.

The consuming drive to present yourself a false individual and not be you, to present in a way of speaking towards others (that is not you), to present to the outside world, the fake you. You cannot assume, that what others do, is for you, you use to look beautiful in a flowing dress. But you became an image, of someone else, who is not you.

All your life, a false god, a false way to manipulate, a false want to be right or assume your the only sane one, its all been a lie. For you cannot see how those around you, see you, but it is not the lie that has been formed in your mind.

I put this forth, for your freedom, because the lie the enemy, has lead you to believe, is wrong. You were made in his image, but a false image, became your god.

One thing I know, it is never too late for you, but you must be willing, to let him in and release the true you, before it is too late.

I ask you to finally, tell the enemy to stand down, let the father hand in the eviction papers and release you. Let go, the father has you, but you must trust him and surrender all control…

There is a song, that was for me

Broken Vessels, by Hillsong

I was so uplifted, so inspired, so grateful and touched, by his blessing on my life.

For the very first time I heard him, I went home singing amazing grace and I don’t think I had ever heard it before, so this following what happened was inspiring, if you hear and watch, blessings abound.


All these pieces, broken and scattered
In mercy gathered, mended and whole
Empty-handed but not forsaken
I’ve been set free, I’ve been set free

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me, ooh-oh
I once was lost but now I am found
Was blind but now I see

Oh, I can see You now
Oh, I can see the love in Your eyes
Laying Yourself down
Raising up the broken to life

You take our failure, You take our weakness
You set Your treasure in jars of clay
So take this heart, Lord, I’ll be Your vessel
The world to see, Your life in me

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me, ooh-oh
I once was lost but now I am found
Was blind but now I see

Oh, I can see You now
Oh, I can see the love in Your eyes
Laying Yourself down
Raising up the broken to life

Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me, ooh-oh
I once was lost but now I am found
Was blind but now I see

Oh, I can see You now
Oh, I can see the love in Your eyes
Laying Yourself down
Raising up the broken to life

Change is possible…

My last post, was a date to remember. And since I have had issues trying to log in, maybe I was hacked, who knows..

Anyway, since then its been like an extreme, remake or release of the true me, or as I was told, the little girl who was hidden.

I have gone into my cloths, and I was wearing things that I will not put back on (two and a half garbage bags gone). It was like I didn’t feel like I deserved to feel nice, because in a lot of ways, I did not. I ask father that finances and abundance is now released, because I need a new mattress & shoes (I have only two that don’t hurt my feet & one I do not want to wear other than around the yard) & I know I deserve it, not because it will take precedence over him.

But something I must shout, loud and clear, change is possible, to those who believe.

I got up, with this knowing feeling that it was a really good day, and when I ask the father for something, I know it will happen and when it does, I must let, all that needs to happen, flow freely.

Many things I had hidden, because I didn’t feel like I was allowed to have it on show, what a lie.

It is like night and day, and the weird thing is, but weird in an excellent way is, I cannot think the old way, I tried yesterday and nothing. The way I would speak, to guard myself is gone, I no longer feel the need to hide behind my weight either, I feel so light, it is truly amazing.

Yesterday I noticed, instead of feeling small and shrunken-ed, I felt myself stretch and stand tall. All this is amazing and so wonderful.

I have kept on about trust, trust the father, trust the process, trust his plan for your life and go with it. For if you have truly surrendered all, then he will give you all he desires for you. And Lord, bring it on…

With everything, coming out the other side, the best was the baptism. What you say, I was standing with a calm ocean in front of me, the girls on either side, we went in little by little, I felt the dip, the water, I heard the air, the whoosh, everything.

Then I came up, I saw the surface dancing like diamonds, then realized, & heard, that through pressure a diamond is formed. The funny thing was when I opened my eyes, three figures were on my sofa, laughing, so happy & free, & this now, is me.

And I am his, DIAMOND

07 March 2022 a day to remember

Oh my golly gosh, I got up feeling something good would happen, I felt the day was different to any other.

It was a day, the girls would be coming over to have, not a prayer meeting, but to gather for a conversation with the father.

You see, I have been asking and asking and asking.

What, you might ask, I wanted to change, I wanted the little girl in me (who was scared and hidden), to finally be loved, safe and free, I wanted my father, to change my perspective, that had become so screwed up.

And he did, what I noticed first was last week, I never saw myself as having any value. You see, dressing nice, a part of me wanted too, but I felt unworthy. I know, after everything, I have experience, yes there is always room for improvement.

Well, I realized, I didn’t want to hide, I wanted to look, how I wished, I could feel and not just, put something on. So, I thought, and realized last week, that the spirit of poverty was being removed, lets just say, for a few days, I was a little lost, because this is new.

But here I sit, then as I have stated before, I realized I had PTSD, now as I also stated you can only fix something, once you realize what it is that is broken, but not me, my dad.

I asked “father, please fix me, I don’t want to act anymore, please, I give you the right” and I knew he would, but I knew for impact, the right sequence or season, had to fall into place.

Well, as we sat and ate, then chatted, I brought up PTSD, gods gorgeous red head said, “he told me to speak to that little girl”. Well as you can guess, I held nothing back, I did not let my mind question, or stop anything that was happening, I just let it be.

I cried and cried, from deep within, the little girl, the child who had no where to run, or find safety came out and when you TRUST the father, he is gracious and wonderful, and I no longer feel like I am acting.

I went to sleep and slept, you see my old self, would never get any peace of mind or spirit and I was restless, waking up in panic or having a nightmare. But I slept, feeling safe and free, with nothing concerning my spirit, in anyway.

You have no idea, the lottery jackpot that I was given yesterday. I am surrounded by love and I deserve it, to love and be loved, I deserve every type of wealth he has, and father, I ask for it all, not because of any other reason, than, I have asked and you will give me the desires of my heart, that is from you.

I shout this from my place, here in front of this computer, HE LOVES ALL OF US, and will answer, our conversation with him, in relationship….


How something brings epiphany

Now I struggle some what with sleep, nightmares and flashbacks.

Yep, I have said it now, I have avoided people, reminders etc etc.

And, not knowing why as I age, it comes back more and more.

Well, PTSD, when something I feel is too much, I shake physically, I have trouble sleeping when its dark, I am not just a light sleeper, but hyper vigilant. Any sound, crack movement, I am awake and start to sweat, never knew why, knew where it came from, but I also asked our dad.

I wanted to know what was going on, because once you know, you can deal with it. And deal with it, I am, it had to come to the light and when you have not gone through something, that you know is affecting you now. You have to awaken, that part to then start to heal.

And he knows, I am asking even if it hurts, it will only hurt for a short time.

I trust him, and he knows it, so he leads me to where I need to be, slowly but surely. And the right season is here today… for that I am truly thankful.

How wonderful, he really is…

We forget, many times when we think of something, then forget it.

I always chat to him, my relationship is truly, my most precious posession.

I have to use spelt flour and the one brand is hard to get, so I asked, “Father I need more” and chatted to him about other things I was wanting.

Last week I was out, having to shop and making sure, I was open to a conversation with him.

Then I got, NQR, its our Not quiet right store, which is handy and fun, you never know what your going to find, so as I left Vinnies, and I got that msg. I went in, thinking logically, what am I hear for and turned the corner to go into the next isle, what is on the shelf, SPELT FLOUR in the brand I wanted, I shouted a whoo hoo and laughed, then went back a couple of days later and caramel milk bits for the biscuits I wanted to try and make, it was on the shelf $2 a 260g pkt.

I had to tell everyone who was looking at me, because I will not remain silent, when my father delivers. They might think I am nuts, loud or just hilarious, but I don’t care, I need them to know, when you ask, he delivers every time.

When I was in Vinne’s, my mum use to have these knifes, with bone handles. And I asked again, “Lord it would comfort me to find some, if you see fit to do so” and again, here they are sitting and waiting for me.

How wonderful is he, to think of me and know, its not me asking for a mansion or a fancy car, but little things, that can mean so much more.

Hes just gorgeous… isn’t he.