Prayer for Sarah

My daughter is fighting, she is about to be released from prison again, but she has an awareness of the spirit. When I dedicated her second child, she was hit in the doorway on her return, she knew the atmosphere changed.

And I know from experience all she has to do is give up and give in. We need to stand up for her to grasp what he has for her, she is the next generation and God can use her in the biggest way for her training of the world can help so many.

It has been a journey of lots of tears and me on my knees, but please pray for her.

I am breaking a cycle for her, to pick up and know just how wonderful her life can be, if she just goes before God.

This is her time, please pray she looks like a younger version of me, but has the familiar of her fathers line. But we must ask for this to be broken, so her DNA can be that of the her real father, Jesus.

I believe it for her future, please believe with me, for the doors to open for her to be shown to start anew.

Thank you


Drugs, a subject that I get heated on

I personally know, the pain and anger that drugs cause.

I see again on the news, a girl dies because she took a drug at a concert. My immediate response is, isn’t going out and enjoying the show enough, WHY do you need more, when the dice is rolled you only win once?

One pill WILL KILL YOU or the devil will hook you, you do not know who made it and with what, really if your life is so bad that you need one, then talk to someone who can help.

Leaving behind heartache is not worth any of it. Trust me, you leave a path of destruction, that can take generations to heal.

Lord: I am going to pray, that where it starts, it gets stopped, who delivers gets caught and that lives will be saved, that labourers will be put in front of those, before they are lost. THIS MUST STOP NOW in Jesus name Amen

DO YOU AGREE, if one or more agree HE MUST ACT, so agree PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

I am loud when my father rises within me

On Monday at prayer meeting, I am always told how loud I can get.

Well, I am not a quiet woman when it comes to my dad. If he needs me to be bold or shout, then you can count on me.

We prayed about drugs, to shine a light on not only dealers but the suppliers and big guys. Because I have had to deal with the carnage of what happens to affected people, something rose from within.

Father, I command in your name, that they be exposed etc etc, then I told the demonic spirit to get out of this country, the country I love with such a deep passion.

I feel when I do this that spirits run scarred because they know I am not mucking around. I want a result, I am not just going to pray, be meek and please daddy. Or no, I mean business, I demand a result, that my prayer be heard, action, done and verdict. Lock them up and bury the key.

Please get together and pray

I ask for your assistance, I want back up and I am not shy in asking for it.

Please pray for healing for Jenny, Jenny needs all of us.

I was about to leave this sight and I felt the urge to ask.

So father on behalf of Jenny I ask for healing for all she needs, I bring her before you as a new creation in Christ, show her your love and breath life into her body, soul and spirit.

AMEN people….

The parent’less children

These days we seem to be surrounded by parent’less children. Children who have missed out on parents or fathers in there lives and they are now having children.

My children did not have a stable father figure in there lives. Men seem to think if they can make a child then they are automatically a father.

Wrong, a father is one who is there to guide you, to be a source of strength, comfort and stability, someone you want to aspire too.

You do not have to sire a child to do that, and yes its the same for women. I was never a maternal mother, but I knew that it was my job to do the very best I could and set the standard.

The one thing I am acutely aware of is making the time frequently to speak to them. It was something that was not done for me, so I didn’t carry it forward.

But that is in a big part my fault, I always have in my mind that I don’t want to be a bother to them. I really don’t know how to do it properly because I have not known how. A lot of my life I have watched others to learn the basics of how people should be treated, because my home life was not nice.

But across the road from me is a beautiful little boy, he has a sister and his mum I think just had another baby on Saturday night.

This little boy is so eager for any kind of affection and its him who has been on my heart. If you can spare a little prayer for him, his name is Xander I believe he needs us to pray for him. I don’t know why, I just do.. thank you in anticipation on his behalf.

Because when I was little, Mrs Piazza prayed for me, god bless her

Interceding with true worship

When I pray and really go for it, with worship and tears, things really happen.

Sometimes we are guilty of not really trying, I am as guilty of this as the next person.

But we really need to push, not because we have to, but because we have to do the work, to get the finished product.

In this day and age everything is really easy to get, you don’t have to work hard. But that is your key, work at it, don’t take the easy way.

By his grace he will move the mountain, its all written on your blue prints, trust the father for he will restore all of it for you.

Maybe just not the way you think….

Please pray or agree

The enemy is using someone I have been associated with through work.

He is working like a snake in the grass, behind the seen.

So together:

Holy Spirit I pray in the name of Jesus who died on the cross for me. That the enemy will not succeed through (name) and you will make people aware of what is the truth. You will make the questions come to me and for people to talk about the honesty, honour and integrity I hold in your name. That they seek me and turn away from the enemy and ignore his work.


Now we wait and see what happens. Dads in charge.

I need you to pray.. Lord listen up

Yes, I am asking please if you have the time to pray for ME.

I feel this overwhelming need to pray for my husband, the man my father has chosen for me.

If you feel inspired and want to assist then, thank you. I have been praying in tongue’s pushing in and thanking the Lord for that man.

But I just felt to ask you, if you would like to pray too. If not then that’s ok, but it never hurts to ask.

My Prayer: So father, I ask in the name of Jesus and reminding you of your word. That if more than one person pray’s and agrees that you have to act, so I call in my husband Lord, the one you have for me. The one that is my match, I know father that you have been preparing my heart and I thank you for that. My heart as it was said on Sunday night, that you are healing, I know with the forgiveness that I was able to let go with your help.

Father I feel ready for the next phase, I thank you for not only letting that man cross my path. But for him being the man I know you can make him to be, a good man Lord, who has a love for you. A man who is wonderful, caring and all I have asked for. Lord as you know I always say to people you should marry your conscience and its true in most cases. I thank you again father, for all you are about to do.

Again I call him in, in Jesus name. Amen

I feel this prayer will go out like a microphone, to all the corners of the earth. Yahoo LOL