Keep casting your bread on the water

Ecclesiastes C11 v1

Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days.

What does this mean: Dont waiver in your faith, stand on his word.

For surely they will come back home on the next wave!

Hope, is waiting with earnest expectation. It is the season to hold fast and it says, to remind him of his word.

I also see it as, don’t be put off by negative attitudes, keep doing good things. For they are counted by God, he sees your good deeds and keeps watch.

Me: Lord your words says I can have what I say, I choose to speak faith filled words. I have stated and posted in my home, 3 things I am believing the Lord for and I know beyond a shadow of doubt.

He makes the impossible, POSSIBLE…

Write the vision down

Before I get to my point, are you royalty of Christ?

I am, forgot that for a moment so here goes nothing.

Say this with me, I Have Been Redeemed From the Hands of the Enemy, He Has NO POWER OVER ME.

Yahoo, take that devil. I felt him get an absolute knock out. Yeehaa.

Now one more thing before I go on, Obey God – no curse will come on you, Disobey God – curse will come. Dangerous isn’t it, I need to change my thinking or correct a few things. I want to have his covering, not swinging in the wind for all hell to break loose.

Main point, Habakkuk C2 v2-3

Then the Lord answered me and said, ” Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Write it down and believe and be willing to CHANGE.

Not in your time, but his season. For my father does not lie, we are the ones who hold up progress, stand by his word, for he is someone to stand by…


Another OMG moment – yahoo

So very excited, my last post was that, I feel change coming.

What was spoken about on Sunday, its time to CHANGE.

Oh Lord you could have knocked me off the chair, lol what a crack up.

I have spent time with the Lord, repenting, seeking him and what do I get, CHANGE.

One major thing that has come up that needs to change is, I graise like a cow all day.

Why? well when I was younger there wasnt that much food available at times. So when you had food you ate, and being the last, I had to eat fast or they would try to snatch mine.

So ever since, and only realising this in the last few days is, I was hoarding fat on my body for the next short fall. All I could say to myself is you idiot (I do mean this in a funny way, not serious). To make that realisation was HUGE and what did it, was the feeling of hunger, I remember once being so hungry it felt like my body was starting to feed off itself, right to the back bone.

So, I had the see food diet, see it and eat it. Madness I know, but until you at the end and realise, God cannot do much more.

I am consciously eating sensible, breakfast, make it count (you are breaking the fast) 1 slice of bread, if your hungry have 2. Morning tea, only if required, sometimes a drink is enough (water). Lunch feed the fuel, not the fat, same with afternoon tea and dinner.

Then stop, if hungry have a slice of cheese or something quick, a carrot maybe.

And the final, portion control, I lost the plot.

Yes I admit it finally, my mother use to serve us on a entree size plate. Notice how dinner plates are getting bigger?

Trying to stick with bread and butter plate, training my mind and body. Not letting the devils thoughts enter, that I need more.

Thank the Lord for this, because I needed pulling up..

Gracious isn’t he…

I feel change coming

Something that has not left me over this christmas period is that change is coming.

I don’t know how big or small, but change is definitely coming, can you feel it.

It is so close it feels tangible to me.

Keeping fresh hope and faith is what I believe has moved this forward.

I am trusting the process and look forward to see what it is.

Exciting when you think about it, 2014 is my year, yahoo.

Victory is mine

I normally tell you snippets from prayer meeting.

Mine was amazing because my prayer language changed, several times.

But once I let it be, stopped thinking this is what I got.

Victory is 1

I am about to have it on earth, because my victory is in the heavenly’s.

Push a little more, not yet

I learned something I need to share because I believe it’s a valuable key.

I was getting stressed and worried, stupid I know because it doesn’t do any good. And it cancels out my prayers.

So I got angry and realised something very important.

I needed to push past it, sometimes we pray and think that is it. We don’t have to do anymore, wrong.

What I have learnt is you have to pray a little more.

Sorry about this but its true, when you give birth after labour, your asked to push a little more. Why because the contractions don’t stop until you have birthed the placenta.

Its right this is what you have to do, push a little more because you have to ice the cake and decorate before you serve.

Remember this because I know it to be true.

Joy, find yours

I find joy in the little things.

My joy today was having visit from someone I think so much of.

And going out to my little veggie patch and picking my excess of zucchini, wow has it really produced well.

I planted radishes, believe it or not you pick them in 3 weeks from planting seeds. So I had to plant some more

Spring onions oh my gosh I was so impressed, I planted another row.

My tomatoes are a little slow but, gross lisse always are and then do well at the end.

Also planted egg plants, basil, capsicum, carrots and spuds.

I learnt to love this from child hood, one thing I am really glad I did. It is really rewarding, secretly I would love to do this on a larger scale but as I always say you just never know.

 Be blessed and share the joy this christmas.

Cleaning up, can make you clean out

I love spring cleaning, I always seem to get myself into more of a mess before it even looks like I have made any improvement.

Cleaning out is therapeutic, I need to make room in my life. Room for what is to come in the new year, room to breath.

And from that I can sell what I do not need.

Something I learned a long time ago, if it’s a want (not required), but if it’s a need then you require it.

I am going to make a list and work on it, get rid of the unwanted items and change the way I have been doing things.

I think my problem has been that I learnt a long time ago to hoard for a rainy day. This is one thing I really need to change, yes having spare is ok, but I am overboard.