I’m a little shocked, but joyful at the same time

I was scrolling through the internet and found someone making my rissole recipe. Then another using my idea for frozen cooked onion.

Then I thought to myself, they are getting money, for my idea. What was I thinking, giving away for free, that which could have bought another good pair of shoes.

And this was my Christmas gift to myself, shoes that support my painful feet. The instant relief was so shocking, I have promised myself more to replace the $6 crappy ones I have been using.

I am removing all those extra, unused items from my home, its time to change in a big way, and this is key to being able to breath.

For I was taught to save things, you may need them or never say no. But then you have so much, that is just stuff and it needs to be prioritised too. What do I use, keep that only and rid myself of the overburden items and get money to buy those decent shoes.

I have been wrestling with guilt, manipulation of items and its time to break this stronghold.


I was giving myself time off, because I also tore my shoulder muscle. And because a friend of mine and I had a falling out.

But, was I about to get corrected.

You see, sometimes it takes others to deliver the message, and boy was it a whamo.

I forgot these key words, IF YOU DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM. Well I did not, I took time out, to catch my breath and fell off the perch I was sitting on.

But, I needed it, so after licking my wounds and realising I needed to pick up my game. I am back to reading the word, praying on and off and making him, a priority again.

We all need a whamo at times, it does us good to get, a bit of a shake.

And for me, boy did I need it, however much it shook me. I am thankful for it…

Be his blessing

Many times, an opportunity to bless, is right in front of you.

If I can, I do…

Recently, he blessed me, I woke hearing a message, I had heard years ago.

But, bang, he hit me, so I did it that day.

I had put off getting decent shoes, over the years, I have bought the $6 shoes etc etc, but my right ankle turns in and has hurt so much. Because of cheap shoes, that no one should be wearing.

So, knowing the pair I had seen, I saw them on special and purchased, delivery free.

I cannot stress, how a good pair of shoes make you feel so loved, especially when my father is the bless’e.

How much do you see others

Sometimes we are so consumed by being in our bubble, we do not really see others. Or some do not really care, they just play at being a christian.

I have been making handbags, they lady who has kept me in supply, of the product I use, has been so lovely, with all my questions, all my ideas of colour etc.

Because I can see things others can not, and this is from him, showing me and giving me this gift.

But, I see her kindness, her generosity of spirit. She could just ignore me, or she could be part of what I am doing, which she very much is.

As we have chatted, I have noted what she has liked etc, she has purchased two bags and for this. I am not only pleased but, humbled that someone likes what I do.

I have a little surprise to send her, its not about what I have done, its about seeing her. Listening and hearing, I have told her my testimony, she told me she lived with someone who, lets be blunt was using the father and turned her off.

Many people do this over time and forget, he keeps notes, every time you do this, you get a mark. Its important, like I said to her, I cannot say he does not exist, because of my personal experiences, but she acknowledged there is something, and that is a mustard seed. It just needs the right water, the right soil to grow.

As I said to her and its true, from someone who has lived in the world, then come to realise how he lives in it. And from that I have grown, as I said to her (man, has used it to his own benefit and crapped all over it). That is why many are turned off, but when you hone in and tune in, everything makes sense.

I said to her, I am not going to ram Jesus down her throat, but if I say something relating to him, it done with love and because, he is real to me.

Take each moment as a gift

I awoke this morning to a thick fog outside my window. And I felt joy, because its the first, it has gone from warmish days, to colder days and being an Aussie summer, I will take it.

Tomorrow is in the 30’s and how brilliant, to have snuggle days, days where you can get the inside jobs done.

The world would teach you to whinge or moan, why, why can’t you see through the fog and see what he has for you.

Each moment is your gift, each moment you can see through his eyes.

This is a time for rejoicing, so rejoice, find your joy, take hold of your joy and laugh….

I have a fire in my spirit

I cannot convey, just how fired up I get at times. It is like ready for take off.

I feel him charge me up, to take on another task and I love it. He put me here to finish my mandate and I must do what I need to do. For my name will be written in the history books.

I am settled in the knowledge of being his 1%, what brought me to this. We have a show that airs here called the 1% club, it has people on it, which sees things quickly that others don’t. It can show on the screen and bang I have it, without even reading the question. My conscious brain has yet to catch up, and bingo, then I take a second to think, is it, but yes its correct.

I always felt like I just didn’t fit, I could see and do things, others would struggle to understand or do. But also knowing my blood has the anti D, which can help save premature babies. He has shown me, that I am who I am meant to be, a 1% that not many in this world are.

I can see a ball of yarn, blink and see what it is meant to be, I can get a snap shot of colours going together, before I have got hold of what I need.

This gift makes me feel so exceptional, in him. He directs me and I don’t question it, I just go with it and every time it works.

Going forth in the knowledge, that not only am I the apple of his eye and his daughter, but I am the daughter of the only KING. The alpha, the omega, the one and only, my beginning and my end.

I am filled with joy, I feel like I have found my niche, I am currently making handbags and they are wanted. Because each one is a one off, each one will not be repeated again. Because each woman is special and each woman is unique.

Growing as a woman, you are cut down at times by words, I think now, because we are very capable and can deal with so much. We have a lot of capabilities man cannot begin to understand and we can give birth and keep going, how amazing is that.

Being who we are is key here, it is not something that is strange, it is not something to fear, it is a joy, a joy to walk in the knowledge, I am made in his image.