
I know what I have been learning is vast, I know sometimes, I cannot explain what I see or experience. I also know, that some of it, it is not the right time to share, as others journey is not where I am.

But, wow, my experiences are shocking and wonderful and frightening and its hard to breath etc etc etc.

There is something I have done for a very long time, its have a relationship of acknowledgement with angels.

What am I on about, once I put down my very first experience hearing the fathers audible voice, from that day, angels that had been assigned to me, where in my consciousness.

Being alert is not it, it is another level, taking in, not only where you are in the world, but beyond it, his space. For there is no measure to it, once I remember I was coming home from church and had a conversation with the Spirit of Wisdom, then I knew she was sitting in the car next to me.

I have spoken to them, when I felt alone, all of a sudden I was squished in the car, it was full of angels. Many times when I just say, Hi and start speaking, I feel there presence.

This is not some sort of off the wall nut writing this, but a fathers daughter, more engaged with his world at times, than the one I live in.

I love it when they make me laugh, I love it when they answer a question, or show me something that is only between me and my father. I love it when I am out, because they are all with me, I am NEVER ALONE and never will be again. I love it when they think of me, a family not chosen by the worlds rule, but my fathers.

For the world is not right, he is, I love the way I get car parks where I need them. How I get blessed, it is all connect to the father.

But like everything we forget to engage, because like a restaurant kitchen, we only recognise the chef, but without the sous chef, even down to the dish washer. Nothing would work without the other, it is up to you, whether you want to recognise the whole kitchen or have tunnel vision and miss the rest.

You can have a wow, or just chug along in slow motion, you choose to be conscious and active. Or dull and silent… it makes sense when you see it.

Like a forest, why is it important, it is not the whole that is, but that single tree and all the life it supports. That is where it starts…

Remember ME…

I was watching the show again, Expedition Unknown and it was about the details of finding the Dead Sea Scrolls in caves.

Have you seen your scroll, once I was given mine, cannot read the text because it is not in English.

But one day, I believe I will know, I have seen my name written in his book, so why not, his words for me.

One part of the written text, written at the time around when Jesus was here, was the 10 commandments.

The one thing that was different, was remember the Sabbath.

What I got was, all last week remember, remember me, remember the things I have done for you, remember my words, on the seventh day he then rested, so rest little one and trust his love for you.

So, I took it on board and started to remember, to thank him and it was a bad week, the enemy is trying his best to stop me again. I was tired and so fed up, on my worst day, I made a decision to CHOOSE.

Choose what exactly, choose the father, over everything else, choose to give him my tithe, show him you mean business, show him that I know that to receive, he wants us to freely give. Give up something, to show him, you want him, more than, that of the world, what ever it is in your life holding you back.

His street has two lanes, two lanes for you to give unto him and for him to pass to you, for it says, time, tithe, task. Never forget this, never forget what he has done, for you to live, to thrive. Never take this for granted, never give up, never give in, keep on HIS path.

It has been told that for each one of us, there are 170,000 angels watching us (reporting back to him), you know when I am awake, I am very aware that I am being watched. I know I have said it to those I know, but I think they never really believed me, until someone else said it to them.

You see many only try and show their best side, but he sees all of it, from before you were in your mothers womb, to eternity. So why try and hide, if it is hard to be good, then what has hold of you, to do bad.

Think about it, his love is suppose to flow, from within you, Holy Spirit let it flow

Shout for joy…

What a week of blessings, asked on Sunday for the Lord to help me, needed my hair cut desperately. Money tighter than a fish’s butt.

Monday, someone made me an appointment and paid for it, hair cut.

Wednesday, kept praying, asking for my spelt flour in the brand required, so I can do lots of things with, in shop $2 instead of $4.99, so I bought many.

Thursday, I need my car sorted, emailed the court house, where its being handled and I was told insurance was contacted, car assessed today and will be fixed. My car scraped, they left the scene, then he was found and charged, the police took over and took him to court for me.

Its Friday, raining and raining so much, but I feel so much joy, I keep telling everyone.

YEEEHAAA glory to the father, Lord Jesus…

Its nice to hear you say

Yesterday my neighbour got a delivery of mulch, I know her as she has been there since the day they built the homes, off and on over the many years.

So, I saw her trying to shovel each bit, onto her garden and offered her a big bucket.

We got to chatting and she said, later as I completed putting out my garbage bin.

“Thank you for your offer of help, you are so nice”.

That little thank you, made me feel really appreciated and thankfully she understands the issues, with a trespasser and keeps a look out and then will call the police.

I work under this, because when I first moved here, someone wanted keys to my house, encase of emergency, then came in without asking and I caught them, as they were swapping my mattress for theirs, so my landlords changed the locks when I found evidence of stolen property, which the police had been notified of.

You have no right, you ignorant twat, I am grateful that my neighbours know me and look out for me. And I am also grateful that over the many years, many have said to me, how much they like me and not someone else they know. Its not about who is better, but to me, its just them seeing that I do not go by airs and graces, but honesty and integrity.

And, all I did yesterday was see, help required and knew I had the tools, human kindness needs to go along way in my book.

Going by his words, that by grace you will… and by his grace he sees.

YOU ask and YOU receive

My budget has been tight and I need my hair cut, its heavy, hot and itchy.

Everybody loves it, men are paying more attention when I leave it down, but I have had it.

I asked the Lord to help me and someone said to me on Monday, I am going to pay for you to go to the hair dresser.

They did not know my prayer, and I have to say, we had been in lock down and it needed cutting, then before I could go, we were back in lock down, so you can imagine my hair grows fast, so its very long.

So much shampoo, so much conditioner, so long to dry, oyyyyy.

Then another blessing followed and I am so very grateful, very very grateful.

Have you got it in you to push……

I am in a way talking about child birth, I remember it, not the excruciating pain, but the determination, that my body was doing what it was built for, all I had to do was roll with it.

My mum taught me, if you want change, make it happen, do not take no for an answer.

So lately, trying to get my spelt flour in stores, I am on a mission. I will not just go to the health food shop, they cost a fortune.

What I will do is prod, persistently, I said to the company, where I have shared my best recipes, I will move that mountain, watch me.

I do not take it as a dare, or challenge, but my knowing of who I am in Christ, what is available to me and I will have it.

When I push, I make sure I have my ammunition, why, you do not go into a meeting without your homework, do you.

Nope, you get your evidence, you back it up and you make sure, you do it professionally and with sensible reasoning, taking emotion out of it.

It is the same when you surrender, yes I cry sometimes, full of love for the father, but when I stand on his word, there are no holes bared, I have no fear, no doubt and knowledge that he rules in my life.

With that power, you stand with him all the way and your possibilities are endless.

Push the enemy out of your life, and tell him get stuffed.

How is that…

I was just on zoom with my family, God family that is and I have been on and on about, meeting him at his mountain.

Today when I took my friend for her 2nd needle, I noticed sign posts everywhere, now I know they are always there, but when you really notice them.

It is like, hey you, pay attention, read the signs I am sending to you.

Well here I was thinking I was, again not in the right place, but seems he is still speaking to me on that level. But I know from today, I must move on, move on to the next level, you cannot become complacent. He does not work that way, he wants us to achieve, like any parent, who knows just how far you can go, he sees it.

Its up to us, to believe it…

Don’t let him take your joy

Since giving myself over to the father, I have a joy, a peace that I cannot deny.

But, many times I see people slowly but surely, fall away from the father and into the depths of the world.

A comment here, or there and you can tell, the enemy has moved in and the father is moving out of there active lives.

Sometimes I feel flat, or feel like I am taking a rest, but a part of me knows, there is no rest.

I know every medical attack is being used, trying to stop me, in my weakness I still say my daily communion, I repeat Romans 12 v 1, putting my name to it, I always say the original, but then add myself to back up, what must be said.

I always say good morning to all I know about and those I am yet too, because I must hold on.

I must continue this path, for there is no other, I know I feel tired, but that is the infection and medication I am currently taking.

But I will not surrender to any other force, I will only surrender to my, Jesus, for the world caused me immense pain and distress. So, knowing what I know, there is only one way forward, and that is in the knowledge, Jesus died for me, now.

So I live, for his will to be done, on earth as it is in heaven, for heaven is close, I saw a glimpse once and when you know, what you know, nothing can divide you.

Do not let the enemy steal from you anymore, he uses those close to you and wants to, kill, steal and destroy YOU. Why, because he knows, he knows your here for a great purpose and he will try and use anyone, so step forward, trust the father and live, live the life he has for you.

Be, a responsible believer, be the person, not what others presume to see, but who you know, the father sees.

And in that you live out, your joy…

Something is happening

You know when you can feel something moving, in the spirit it is obvious today.

I feel a movement taking place, its sort of a normal for me, I have been sitting, waiting to capture what I feel.

But, knowing I must get moving today, it sits with me, the feeling.

So, as I sit here typing and looking out my back door, I feel something is happening.

The father is making changes, he is making his strategic move.

All, I have to do is watch and see….