Don’t let him take your joy

Since giving myself over to the father, I have a joy, a peace that I cannot deny.

But, many times I see people slowly but surely, fall away from the father and into the depths of the world.

A comment here, or there and you can tell, the enemy has moved in and the father is moving out of there active lives.

Sometimes I feel flat, or feel like I am taking a rest, but a part of me knows, there is no rest.

I know every medical attack is being used, trying to stop me, in my weakness I still say my daily communion, I repeat Romans 12 v 1, putting my name to it, I always say the original, but then add myself to back up, what must be said.

I always say good morning to all I know about and those I am yet too, because I must hold on.

I must continue this path, for there is no other, I know I feel tired, but that is the infection and medication I am currently taking.

But I will not surrender to any other force, I will only surrender to my, Jesus, for the world caused me immense pain and distress. So, knowing what I know, there is only one way forward, and that is in the knowledge, Jesus died for me, now.

So I live, for his will to be done, on earth as it is in heaven, for heaven is close, I saw a glimpse once and when you know, what you know, nothing can divide you.

Do not let the enemy steal from you anymore, he uses those close to you and wants to, kill, steal and destroy YOU. Why, because he knows, he knows your here for a great purpose and he will try and use anyone, so step forward, trust the father and live, live the life he has for you.

Be, a responsible believer, be the person, not what others presume to see, but who you know, the father sees.

And in that you live out, your joy…

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